Dealing with Rejection.
Rejection is the inability to give or receive love. You feel left out, separated, as if nobody loves you, nobody understands you. Once you've been rejected, you develop a negative self-image of yourself. You think there must be something wrong with you if people reject you. This causes you to develop a poor self-esteem, feeling at times that God doesn't love you. Then comes the fear of being rejected again. Because rejection is such a spiritual wound, we begin to fear it happening again. It can become such a strong hold and an expectation that we fear sooner or later that everyone will reject, us and unfortunately, what we fear comes upon us and we are rejected.
Responses to rejection
Rejection leads to two responses: Withdrawal so you won't be hurt or outright rebellion, taking the attitude, "I don't need you," or "I'll show you." Rejection always carries with it deep spiritual wounds, but Jesus promises to heal them. Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of Yahuweh who saves God is upon Me; because Yahuweh has anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He has sent Me to bind up the broken hearted, (those with a broken spirit wounded by rejection), to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
Characteristics of Rejection
Signs of rejection: resentment, rebellion, sensitive and overreact to criticism, no true friends, need continued praise to know you're loved, cannot give or receive love freely, look to the world for love, compulsive confession without feeling clean or worthy, inordinate affection for animals (they will not reject your love), honest or must be frank at all times, you project your faults onto others and become judgmental and critical so that when they reject you; "You never did like them anyway", anti-submissiveness and disobedience, self centered (selfishness), delusion- deception.
Bad fruit of rejection
Fear of rejection, rejecting yourself; loneliness; talkativeness and nervousness, withdrawal and pouting; guilt, condemnation, feelings of unworthiness and shame; depression, despair, discouragement, hopelessness, suicide; sexual impurity, lust, fantasy, masturbation, adultery, fornication, incest, harlotry, exposure, frigidity, rape (when rejected look to the world for love, acceptance, through these things); compulsions, love for the unlovely (you feel safe with them because they won't reject you); false burden, false compassion, false responsibility; perfection, criticism, irritability, anger, intolerance, pride, haughtiness, importance; competition, argument; fears; persecution, fear of judgment, condemnation, accusation, punishment, confrontation, suspicion; fear of what people will think; jealousy, envy, instability, insecurity, self pity, inadequacy, shyness; physical illness. (Not everybody who is rejected has all these bad fruits. You may have one or more of them and wonder why you couldn't get the victory over it. The root is rejection. Cut off the root and the fruit will die.)
How to get the Victory.
1)Recognize rejection, bind it and take authority over it. 2) Recognize that they are not rejecting you but Jesus in you. 3) Give up your right to be accepted to God and be willing to be rejected if necessary. 4) Ask the Holy Spirit, through Jesus to heal your broken spirit where you have been rejected in the past. 5) This may mean dealing with rejection incident by incident and forgiving those who rejected you. 6) accept yourself. 7) Quote the Scripture for your deliverance according to Isaiah 61:1/ Luke 4:18.
Halle lu YAH